One on One Lessons with Ozaukee Talent, LLC

One on One Lessons with Ozaukee Talent, LLC

Regular price $ 132

Fall 2024 Schedule and Payments for Ozaukee Talent Private Music and Acting Lessons (First Come, First Served -- LIMITED AVAILABILITY)

The fall semester has started and most slots are full.  Email to see if there are any other options to squeeze you in.

Please note:  This is the busiest time of year for families wanting lessons.  Early signups are strongly encouraged.  Lessons are 30 minutes each, one on one only and held at 1701 11th Avenue in Grafton near the Grafton Public Library and Kennedy Elementary School.  Students should be ages 6 and up.  

Weeks 9/9 through 12/9


You can makeup 2 lessons during this time frame, however, they need to be made up on a weekday where there is no school or you have taken off of school for another appointment (i.e. dentist, doctor, therapy, etc... ) Anything beyond 2 misses will not be guaranteed to be made up.  My schedule is simply too full to accommodate make ups in the fall.  Serious and committed students encouraged to sign up.  Zoom lessons are available during your normal slot in the event of sickness or inclement weather, etc...


Please note that these are not "monthly costs" but semester payment installments for the entire semester broken up for families on a budget.  You can pay ahead at anytime if you choose.  

$132 Non-refundable due by August 15, 2024

$132 due by September 15, 2024

$132 due by October 15, 2024

$132 due by November 15, 2024

$74 due by December 15, 2024 CORRECTED ON 9.5.24

A $5 per day late fee may apply.  All payments are expected to be on time.

I will send out a parent packet of information before we begin with more information and for you to give emergency and additional information about your child.  The parent packet needs to be signed before we begin.

Please note:  If this time slot ends up not working for you at any point, you can switch ONLY IF there is another opening.  If not, you will be responsible to continue making payments or finding your own replacement student. (i.e. a different family member, friend, etc...) 

If the time slot ends up not working for me, you will only be charged for lessons that you actually attended and be issued the appropriate refund where applicable.

I will make some A La Carte lessons available for fall within the next few weeks.  Stay tuned.


Angie Mack, lifetime arts leader
Ozaukee Talent, LLC founder
also, dba Angie Mack Creative
Ozaukee Talent on Instagram 
Ozaukee Talent on Facebook 
Tax Deductible Donations through Create Wisconsin, Inc. Ozaukee Talent | Mightycause Thank you for supporting small business and the arts!
Email is always best:
Angie's personal website